20 Great Ways to Meet Beautiful Thai Women

Meet beautiful Thai girls

Finding You a Good Thai Lady: Where Exactly Are They?

Looking for love is like searching for a gem in a pile of stones. It requires effort and hard work for you to find a precious one. They say, good things come to those who wait, but we are not getting any younger. Don’t wait for good things, since better things come to those who know what they want and go after them. So you know exactly what you want and what you are looking for–a precious and fine Thai Lady.

The question is, where will you find the right one for you? You’re not thinking of going to Thailand right away without a plan, are you? Though that may sound exciting, spontaneous, and romantic, your chances of getting acquainted with a loving Thai woman significantly decreased. You’ll be like a lost child wandering around, clueless where to go. To prevent that from happening, this article will guide you in your path to searching the perfect Thai woman for you. Remember, you don’t need a perfect woman—only the one perfect for you.


Admit it, Thai women are one of the most beautiful and cute ladies you would ever encounter in your lifetime. They have stunning physique that will leave everyone breathless. If you are in Thailand or is planning to go there any time soon, you should be aware of the top places to search for your potential partner.

Top Places to Spot a Good Thai Lady

Sure, there are a lot of beautiful ladies in Thailand. Yes, most of them are cute and loving, but there are still those types of girls that would go after foreigners or “Farangs” as they call it. These girls are in the bars, clubs and other “social” places, eyeing and trying to spot a “great provider”. If you are searching for true love, you better ditch those clubs and go to the right places where a good woman can be found. Just be in the right place in the right time and the right girl will follow through.

  1. In the Office.
    If you are an expat or someone who migrated and/or is currently working in Thailand, you should start searching for Miss Right in your workplace. First, you’ll get the advantage of seeing her and getting close to her on a daily basis. Second, dating her will be easier since you are not really interacting with a complete stranger and common friends/colleagues can build the love team stringer. Lastly, you know exactly for sure that she is an independent woman that can provide for herself, and not some whiny baby who needs support from her daddy.

  2. Art museum.
    This may sound cliché and boring for you, but the good, genuine, and romantic Thai Ladies visit the art museum because of passion. Don’t you just wish that such woman with great passion falls in love with you? You can always go to the bars and clubs to have “plenty” of Thai woman surrounding you, but at the end of the day, you know that the woman in the art museum is the one for keeps. If you are interested in arts, you can easily capture her attention and hopefully, her heart.

  3. The gym.
    These gyms offer memberships that are too expensive for a cheap Thai woman looking for a sugar daddy. On top of that, having a membership is a commitment. Enrolling in a gym membership together with the woman that you like will give you an idea on how she handles commitment. Women who go to the gym regularly also demonstrate their dedication, discipline and resilience. If you love Yoga or working-out, then this is a great opportunity to spot a good woman with the same interest. You can always strike a conversation about your routines and diet plans. Her slender, fit, and lean body is also an icing on the cake. If you are lucky, you can soon workout later as a couple.

  4. Library or Bookstore.
    If you are looking forward into dating a woman who you would love to bring to the altar one day, then check out the nearest library or go to the bookstore if you visit the mall. The thing is, common Thai women loves shopping for clothes, make-ups and other vain stuff. If you would love a pretty woman who is so much in love with herself and all the vanities, go straight ahead to the department store. However, if you would like to meet a woman with brains and someone with great stories and insights, better check the bookstore. You will surely love talking to a Thai woman with great sensibility, wit and practicality.

  5. Coffee Shops.
    A woman who is trying to hunt foreigners or sugar daddies will not waste her time in a good coffee shop. They dig foam parties, beach parties and night parties so they are usually asleep in the early morning. Secondly, they wouldn’t spend so much money for a cup of coffee. A good lady is early to rise and starts her day with a cup of coffee. You will know that a lady is working in the office if she can treat herself to a high-end coffee and do some chit-chat with equally professional friends or colleagues. You would rather approach a woman drinking a coffee, or a drunken woman throwing herself on any rich guy? You choose.

  6. Her own shop.
    Most women with good education or family background like setting up and managing her own business. Her good business managing skills is a good sign that she can manage your home and finances in the future. It also shows that she is a woman who can support herself and won’t need to rely on any man to help make both ends meet. She is someone who would rather invest her money in business rather than buy herself a fancy bag or clothes. It is really hard to find such woman, so if you found one, you should make it a point to visit her shop frequently and get to know her better.

  7. Temple or Church.
    Waking up early to go to the church or temple clearly dictates that the woman is not hunting for some foreigner guys. These women who go to the church just show how they are God fearing. It also shows that they are peace-loving and has a good nature and value. You are lucky to find such woman. Surely, this lady love to spend time with her family and loved ones. Being part of that circle is like hitting the jackpot for you. Thai woman who loves visiting the temple is definitely a kind-hearted woman with lots of discipline. Striking with a conversation with her is easy. Try asking about traditional process and rituals before, during and after the temple visit.

  8. UN Office.
    If you find it hard to speak in their vernacular and is trying to find someone who has a very good while being able to speak good English, why not visit a near UN Office or Event? This is not a place that often comes to mind whenever a qualified bachelor is trying to eye on a beautiful and kind Thai Lady, so go ahead and give it a shot! There is little competition to go to this type of place. This is a place where you can find high-class and middle-class women trying to support a cause or an organization by participating as sponsors or volunteers of UN events and activities. You can always start chitchat with them asking about UN, WHO, or the organization/cause they are supporting.

  9. Wanting to learn something new?
    Go ahead and enrol in a short training course or a seminar. In these short-courses or seminars, you will meet a lot of business women who are very intellectual. You may also meet working women taking mandatory and company-sponsored training courses. This is a great opportunity to meet these types of women while you are trying to learn the course you have long wanted to study in the past. Go ahead and give it a shot. You wouldn’t run out of reasons not to speak to one of your pretty classmates.

  10. Premium dating Apps.
    With the growing popularity of social media, people started relying on them for looking for potential partners as well. It is true that there are many successful love stories in social media but there are also sad stories. Why? Because there is no one who is actually monitoring and verifying each member. In premium dating apps, there are some verification processes that each applicant goes through to prove his or her identity. This limits the possibility f fake accounts or poser account. It is true, that some dating apps don’t have that feature, so you better be keen in observing your potential partner. Always trust your gut feel. If something feels wrong, then most probably, it is.

If you want to check out specific places to find many Thai women, here is first-hand information of top places from Thai women themselves. It is divided into two categories based on particular age group so you know where to go to look for Thai women of your preference. Actually if you have all the time in the world, why not visit all these places and surprise yourself. You can never really tell when or where the love bug will start going after you.

Age group 20-30 Years of Age

They say that you will usually meet your soulmate within this age-range. Take advantage of that folk belief and get to know women under this age bracket. Here are the places where common Thai women under this age group commonly hangout either alone or in groups. Never be afraid to approach a girl with her group since Thai women can be very shy if they are alone and would have the courage to speak to you if she is with her friends.

  1. Lumpini Park, Patumwan, BKK
    Many young ladies love to workout outdoors in this park and enjoy the scenery and fresh air. It also saves them from paying expensive gym membership. What you will usually see here are some ladies who are jogging, walking their pet, or doing yoga. No matter where you look, there is a cute Thai woman that woud surely capture your attention. Such a great view!

  2. Bangkok Art & Culture Centre – BTS Siam
    A perfect place to spot a fine lady with love for arts. The atmosphere is also relaxing and fresh—quite a romantic place for a first meeting. You wouldn’t dare to miss an opportunity to approach a romantic woman once you see her in this museum.

  3. Absolute You – Amarin Plaza, BTS Chidlom
    A fancy Yoga place for elite women who love to stay fit and practice Yoga. It’s either you fall in love with the woman or the place. Maybe both.

  4. Kinokuniya Book Store – Siam Paragon Department Store, BTS Siam
    You will definitely fall in love with a smart woman buying a book and enjoying it in a small coffee shop inside. The ambience is also cute and romantic.

  5. La Villa Aree – Phaholyothin Rd, BTS Aree
    This is a lifestyle center where foreigners and Thais commonly hangout. You will meet all kinds of people here. What if you meet the one?

  6. Starbucks Siam Discovery – Siam Discovery, BTS Siam
    Talking about coffee shops, this will definitely cross your mind. You will have deeper and more meaningful conversations if you go drinking coffee together.

  7. Food Hall – Emporium, BTS Prompong
    You would miss a lot if you won’t try some food in this Food Hall. You might also meet a fellow foodie in this place. With food, making friends is easy! Just ask her about the food that she is eating or her recommendation for a meal!

  8. Fitness First – Siam Paragon, BTS Siam
    One of the finest gym in the country It has the latest equipment and the finest Thai ladies as well. People who go here are usually those with stable and high financial status.

  9. Yao-Wa-Rat Street Food, China town Bangkok
    Group of working Thai women love to treat themselves in this place. You might want to try the delicacies while increasing your chance to meet the perfect woman for you in this place.

  10. Wine connection Deli & Bistro – Silom, BTS Saladaeng
    The elite Thai women may not love drinking to get wasted with beers and alcohol, but a classy lady knows how to appreciate a good wine. The place is modern and peaceful as well.

Age Group: 30-40 Years of Age

It is common among Asian woman to look years younger than their actual age. You will be surprised how young and beautiful women in this age group are in Thailand. Only difference is that women in this age group are already mature and have an established business or source of income. Here’s where you can usually spot them.

  1. Wine Tasting Events.
    A classy an elegant Thai women will always appreciate wine and this event is not something to miss, especially for ladies in higher society. These women will receive invitation from different and prestigious hotels for wine-testing events and similar activities. It is a good way to increase your connection and to meet a classy lady. Wine testing are often held at business hotel such like Plaza Athenee, Pullman Kingpower, and, Landmark.

  2. Happy Hour at Glaz Bar – Plaza Attinee, Wireless road, BKK
    This event happen every day between 5:00PM to 9:00PM. Working women enjoy this place so much. It is a place of socialization and drinks starts at THB180.

  3. Pilates Training at Ener8ie – Thonglor, BTS Asoke, BKK
    Pilartes training is a thing for high class women and celebrities in Thailand. This is the best place to meet them while training Pilates.

  4. Dean & Deluca – Park Venture Hotel, BTS Ploenjit, BKK
    Park venture is central of business building in Ploenjit areas. That being said, women with class often go to this place looking for friends and connections. You can do the same and maybe meet your potential partner.

  5. O2 Fitness – All Season Place, Wireless Rd. BTS Ploenjit
    This is a new building with members from top global companies such as Microsoft, Sanofi Aventis, Gulf JP andl Huawei. This is where high-class women stay fit.

  6. Red Sky Roof Top – Centara Grand Central World, BKK, BTS Siam
    This is not an ordinary bar. It’s a deluxe place to drink cocktail and relax with a beautiful night view.

  7. Twinings Tea Boutique – Central World, between BTS Siam and BTS Chidlom
    Thai women are fond of drinking tea. It keeps them healthy and glowing. You might want to sip one or two cups with them in this luxurious place.

  8. Art and Language Course at Alliance Francaise, Sathorn rd, BTS Chong Non Tree, BKK
    Prepare to meet educated and modern classmates in attending one of the courses or activities offered at this chic place.

  9. Massage at Health Land Spa – Sathorn Rd, BTS Surasak, BKK
    Ladies in this age group love to relax and pamper themselves a lot. Prepare to meet the lovely ladies from middle to high class at this Spa.

  10. Saxophone Pub and Restaurant – BTS Victory Monument, BKK
    Mature and sophisticated women just love the ambience of this place surrounded by jazz music. If you love that kind of music, this is the best place for you to meet the woman of your dreams.


In your search for the beautiful Thai woman of your dreams, it is always tempting to go to clubs, beach, and foam parties to enjoy their company. You might be thinking that going to these places will increase your chances of meeting beautiful and young Thai ladies. Besides, it does not necessarily mean that all women who go to such places are no good, isn’t it?

You can still go to those places if that’s what you prefer, but you can always reconsider and check out all the places listed in this article when you find time. It is always refreshing to meet different types of woman, so don’t limit yourself into checking a specific type. However, bear in mind that some young Thai women believes in the myth that every foreigner white guy is the solution to their financial problems.

They look at “Farangs” as some form of provider, sponsor, or “sugar daddy” as you call it. Taking that path may seem enjoyable and fun at first but sooner you will realize that true love can’t be bought. Some women might eventually really fall in love with you in this scenario, but it is a risk you got to take and the only way to know is go ahead and try. If you are able to gamble with that, the price is definitely worth the risk.

However, if you are more cautious and would want a beautiful woman who is self-sufficient and will only look at you because of pure interest and love, you might want to meet these fine women in the places listed above. You can also be carefree and just take your time and go into places you love as well. This way, you will meet a woman who has the same interests as you do. This will add the element of “surprise” and “fate” in your search for true love.

Besides, true love tends to appear before you when you least expect it anyway, so take your time to get to know any potential partner that come your way. Keep in mind that this article is just a guide. True love can be defined by various people in various ways because each love story is unique. This means that the only true guide towards true love and living happily ever after is following your heart.

Love is a mystery that you will have to unfold and discover yourself. In order to find the right one for you, look inside your heart and consider your own interests and preference. Once your heart understand what you really want, it will definitely guide you t the right person.

7 thoughts on “20 Great Ways to Meet Beautiful Thai Women”

  1. I think I will take the Gym. I’m just being transferred to Thailand and will like to hook up with a decent girl. Thanks to for the post; it’s obviously the time to dust up my shorts again and hit the gym for great catch.

  2. As someone who’s gonna visit Thailand for the first time, this is an absolute must-have guide! Aside from meeting Thai women, I’m sure I’ll get to see some of the wonders of Thailand – from culture to architecture.

  3. First time I have heard of trying to land a big catch at the temple. That’s a new one. I don’t think that’s going to work. Thais take their temple duties seriously and trying to hook them up in front of respectable old people and monks might actually turn them off.How about you wait until they are done with the temple. Hunting at the temple looks desperate.

  4. I used a dating app once and I can tell you one thing. Its shooting in the dark. What you see is definitely what you get. I am not against dating apps. That does not solve anything. There are many places you can go to meet women in Thailand. I wouldn’t recommend dating apps if you are looking for a serious relationship.

  5. The problem with targeting random women for a conversation in Thailand is that you can never be sure if they speak English. The majority of Thai women do not speak English. Approaching a Thai woman in say a coffee shop and expecting a conversation is not a given. Unless you speak Thai very well you must avoid trying to pick up random woman you don’t know or have never met.

  6. Nothing is more exciting than dating a Thai woman who isn’t constrained by office times. I am currently dating a Thai woman who has a her own business. This gives us the time to travel and see many places around Thailand. It gives us time to bond. I have met some couples who aren’t as lucky as we are and their time together is severely limited. This is especially the case of the Thai woman you are dating is a government employee. They are always up to their necks with some event or another.

  7. I admit Thais are suckers for art and culture. They really love it. If you want to meet some awesome women you have to patronize the countless art and culture festivals and events that take place across the country. You will be especially lucky if you happen to be based in Bangkok which is a hub for culture and art. The good thing about the women you meet here is that they look posh without being posh.

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